BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server 2018 Administrator's Guide
Viewing the full-text filters
Meridian Explorer uses Windows Search to index the text of documents, memo properties, and file properties. Windows Search uses IFilters to crawl the data and extract keywords for indexing. Each IFilter supports one or more particular file formats. You can view which IFilters are installed on the Meridian Enterprise Server server to determine whether particular file formats are indexed correctly.
Windows installs an IFilter that crawls the text of numerous generic file types such as .txt,.xml,and so on. IFilters for proprietary file formats are typically installed with the applications that produce or view the files, such as Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Adobe Reader and so on.
To view the full-text filters:
- In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Settings. The Application Settings page appears.
In the menu, click IFILTERS. The IFilters page appears. The page lists the registered file extensions, the corresponding IFilters, their names, the location of the corresponding .dll file, and whether they are 32-bit.
- To refresh the list after installing a new IFilter:
- In the app bar, click REFRESH. The list is refreshed.
- To refresh the list after installing a new IFilter: